About Us
For over 20 years we’ve been perfecting the craft that our founders, Inge and Marcel, brought
with them from Belgium. Their passion for light and fluffy pancakes, crepes and blinis can be
tasted in every single bite. Today we employ nearly 50 staff to make and take our products from
New Plymouth, New Zealand, to customers all over the world.

Belgium Connection
Following a visit to New Zealand and a chance meeting with a local bakery manufacturer, our founders fell in love with the country and set up Van Dyck Fine Foods. The locals soon fell in love with the product!
Engineering Excellence
Our factory was designed by our
co-founder, Marcel, who implemented only the best machinery imported from Europe. The factory is continuously upgraded to meet volume and packaging demands.

Food Safety and Quality Standards
Our quality programme is approved by the New Zealand Food Safety Authority, and meets Coles (CFMSR) food manufacturing standards.
We process only the best local and imported ingredients and we are also Halal certified.
Frozen for Freshness
All of our products are frozen immediately after being baked in our factory. Most of our pancakes, crepes and blinis can be stored frozen for 24
months. This process ensures that when heated or thawed, they taste just the same as they did when baked!

Awards & Recognition
We are proud to have received the Large Business Excellence Award winner at the 2019 TSB Taranaki Chamber of Commerce Business Excellence Awards.
We also won the Supreme Award winner at the 2015 TSB Bank Taranaki Chamber of Commerce Business Excellence Awards and recognised in various other categories including winning the Medium Business Excellence Award and being commended in the Business Innovation and Entrepreneurship Excellence Award.